Hi Kids! ^_^
Thanks for watching my animated short films. I've actually been an animator since the 1990s back when I was a kid. I will be turning 40 next year.
I got back into animation, after a very long depression ince the end of the GW Bush Era, in 2016. So, I had to start all over agian. The Jackalope experimental films were started as a pitch that I was snookered into doing, and actually got, at UMASS Boston when I went to University to further my education and ended up back in animation and art again.
In my original concept art for my pitch to teh Boston Convention Center it was all 4 seasons for the Jackalope character, named Wacky Jackie, but the curator cut that part out when I was forming and reforming my pitch for them. I had noticed that many people actually had no idea how to fully use Adoeb After effects even tho' it had been a very good program, and well knonw since I'd graduated from AIPH in Computer Animation in 2001. So, it was a very arduous and lonely journey trying to figure it all out on my own because different video production, filmmakers, and animators use Adobe After Effects for different things.
I have learned many many things since 2016, and even indulged in academic learning of the actual history of film & cinema, which actually was NOT narative based. I learned, and earned a new respect for experimental films.
I am always still learning animation programs, software, and meeting more and more people within that broad field of fields.
I had decided to revisit the Jackalope Project, and use it as a specific thing to practice the software, and learn more about particles and "tweening" puppet animation.
I personally am NOT really a puppet animator, and my true background is in traditional animation, which I wish to get back to by 2019.
Since 2017 I've gotten Adobe Creative Cloud, Toon Boom Harmony, and NOW I even have Trapcode! ^,^
I wish to make and remake a number of project and films I did while at UMASS Boston from 2016-2017 because I lacked mentors & persons with full knowlege of these softwares to do what I knew COULD be done with them but was ignorant of HOW to do them, and NO ONE could, nor WOULD, help me.
I DID make a summer verison of my jackalope animation, but I was not fully 100% satisfied with it, and wasn;t sure, yet, how to cut that film, whereas my Winter version I had a more clear concept in mind, altho' more elaborate.
In truth, I WOULD like to maybe have a tiny little film for it, but not one that's a really big deal. the real thing I wanted it for, however is a recut with ALL 4 seasons, and ALSO a Purple version.
I am considdering have a video-game-ish format to the film look as well.
I WILL be including this into episodes for my TV Show I am producing at my local TV chanel.
I also will be making butterfly puppets as well for another piece that I will be doing a re-make & a re-cut of, wihc was a film a I made in 2016 at UMASS Boston.
Once i am TOTALLY finished with these puppet & tweening motion graphics animation films I will COMPLETELY move back into Traditional Animtion, and return to fundamentals & basics practices of Traditional animations including thorough studies of bouncing balls (PLURAL), flour sacks, focusing on timing & spacing AND THEN really focued applied practices at LOTS & LOTS of walk cycles.
Cycle animations and lips syncs to me are NOTHING, and far too easy. But, I ALSO feel I could do WAY BETTER.
I KNOW a lot of u folks are kids, and that's cool with me. BUt, many animators and art students in my own age group & peer group were DESTROYED be the outsourcing, terrorism, and economic crashes that occured this centruy. If any of you folks want to get back into animation, ur welcome to hang out with me also. I also know there are many seasoned veternas of animation out there as well. I invite u to put yourself out there and help PRESERVE traditional animation, because it's gonona be LOST forever if we DON'T do something about it. corporation DO NOT OWN animation. It belongs to EVERYONE, like poetry, music, design, and visual design.
I invite you to come hang out with me on my Twitch Stream FOR FREE.
One of the special lectures I sat in out at UMASS Boston while doing Cinema Studies was by another professor at the University whom was mostly known for his visual art, but he also did documentary films. Why do I bring this up? Well, he made an INTERESTING statement. He stated that no one should ever try to persue art just because they enjoy being creative, but RATHER, because it was SOMETHING you couldn;t LIVE without doing. You have to really WANT it and FEEL it inside. If you DO feel that way, then you WILL LIVE that way, because being art artist IS NOT something one does because they wnat money, but BECAUSE it is WHO YOU ARE.
Filmmaking is the same way, and acting, and photography, and creative writing. BECAUSE YOU ARE AN ARTIST.
But, it SHOULD be that same way FOR ANIMATION.
DO IT BECAUSE YOU LOVE IT! Do it becasue you live it, your are it, and NO ONE CAN TAKE THAT FROM YOU.
A journey of a1000 miles begins with but a single step.
Just because you made a crappy animation today, doesn't that a year's worth of making animtion will also be crappy. NO, you could grow & develope as a an artist, an animator, and build some skills.
I am NOT claiming to be any sort of expert at all. But many fakers WILL.
However, I WILL say I'm on the jouerny- The Odyssey, or the animator.
I don't KNOW whether I will EVER reach my zenith, but I ONLY have THE REST OF MY LIFE LEFT TO TRY, and that is all I have left. So, at least I can try.
The ONLY thing you truly own are your mistakes, but those can also be your only teachers where there are none.